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Saint Paul's @ The Farm Holiday Services


The birth of Jesus in a feeding trough in Bethlehem, the "House of Bread," is a symbol of hope, peace, joy, and love. Jesus is hope is found. Come and enjoy a wam, inclusive atmosphere emphasizes both the individual and collective experience of love and belonging during this Christmas season as we journey towards home.

Gather 'Round the Manger as God's Gift Welcomes Us Home.

December 1

First Sunday of Advent - 10:30am

HOPE - "Which One Will You Ask to Leave?"

Advent Concert and Dessert Reception 6:30 p.m. "A Christmas Carol" by Steve Anderson, a one-man show that takes us through the classic “Christmas Carol.” A one-hour show for an evening you won’t want to miss, followed by a dessert reception.

December 8

Second Sunday of Advent - 10:30am

PEACE - "In the Presence"

Advent Concert and Dessert Reception 6:30 p.m. "A Brass Christmas" with selections from Brass groups, including Kevin Styer’s own Shamokin High School Brass ensemble. A great evening of Christmas classics and fun, again followed by a dessert reception.

December 9

The Smallest Gift Remembrance Service 6 p.m.

Hosted here at Saint Paul’s. This is a service of remembrance for those who have lost an infant or child and those who wish to support those families with your presence and love. It is a short service of remembrance with our Chancel Choir and a presentation by Jeanette Gill.

December 15

Third Sunday of Advent - 10:30am

JOY - "Spread Joy"

Pageant and Christmas Dinner "The Light Before Christmas" an intergenerational look at the Christmas story, directed by Colleen Franciscus. The annual pageant will take place following our all-church Christmas Dinner at 5 p.m. and will be followed by dessert and maybe even a visit from the man up North, schedule permitting.

December 19

Blue Christmas Service - Thursday evening, 7:00pm (@ SPUCC)

Join with Saint Paul's UCC and Dreisbach UCC.  This service is for anyone who is grieving in this season, maybe over a loss of a loved one, a family member, neighbor, or friend, or maybe you are just feeling a sense of loss in this season.

December 22

Fourth Sunday of Advent - 10:30am

LOVE - "It Takes Two"

Cookies, Cocoa, and Caroling 4 p.m.  Join us as we carol to both shut-ins and neighbors and then return to the church for cookies and cocoa! What a fun old-fashioned evening it will be.

December 24

Christmas Eve - "Finding Christmas"

4:30pm - "Finding Christmas"

10:30pm - "God's Gift Welcomes Us Home"

Carols, Candlelight, & Communion at both services with our Children’s Choir singing at the 4:30 service, Bells & Chancel Choir, along with other special music at the 10:30 service. We hope that everyone will come home for Christmas @ The Farm as we gather round the manger.

December 29

First Sunday After Christmas - 10:30am

"Lessons & Carols"

January 5

Epiphany - Communion Sunday - 10:30am

"Home Is Where Our Heart Is"

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