Worship with us
Sundays, 10:30am
Come early (10am) for coffee, a light breakfast, and some great conversation and stay for worship. Feel free to stay and fellowship following the service.
Learn more about us
Hardly a day goes by that
Saint Paul's @ The Farm is not busy
with activities, anchored here in love and worship.

We gather for worship @ 10:30am Sunday mornings (breakfast starts at 10). Our service is open to everyone. We gather in our sanctuary at 50 Brookpark Circle, Lewisburg, where we pray together, share together, sing together, and often laugh together, as pastor Tim invites us to dig a bit deeper in the Christian scriptures. All the while we challenge each other to go and be church in the community.
We believe all aspects of church are important to share with our children. We enjoy having babies and young children participate in our service. Colleen Franciscus shares a beautiful children’s message each week (all ages) mid-service. Afterward children may go (age 3-Grade 2) to the Fellowship Hall for a special story time overseen by Safe Sanctuary certified leaders and our nursery is open from 8:45 a.m. to 12 noon, should a family choose to utilize it as well.

We serve communion the first Sunday of every month and during special services. We believe communion is open to all, yet required by none and includes children (with their parents’ permission). A blessing during communion is also open to all.

Saint Paul's believes this is God’s house and we are grateful to be stewards of this space, which is open to and available for all. If you find yourself unable to get to church and need a ride or if you need some assistance around the house, contact us! We are here for you!
Meet our Staff
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Pastor Tim began serving Saint Paul’s as Interim Pastor in November of 2016 and was called as the Pastor in January 2017. He was installed as the Pastor and servant leader in June of 2017. Pastor Tim is in his 14th year of ministry and can imagine no other vocation as rewarding as serving both the community of Saint Paul’s and the wider neighborhoods of the surrounding areas. Pastor Tim attended high school in West Virginia, received his first master’s in Project Management and attended seminary in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Pastor Tim moved to the Susquehanna Valley in 2010, and he and his husband Chip were married in Lewisburg in 2014. They reside in Lewisburg with Tim’s mom Myrtle, their fur kids Bridger, Grace and their faithful companion Bear.
Pastor Tim shares that as crazy as it seems, coming out of the pandemic, Saint Paul’s finds itself as strong or stronger than ever, growing in every area of ministry and outreach with gratitude first to God and the Holy Spirit and then to all our Saint Paul’s family. It is with a grateful heart that he continues on this amazing journey with such a wonderful staff, volunteers, and faith family. Pastor Tim continues to be in awe of how the Holy is calling and using him and us all.
Church Administrative Assistant
In October 2020, Donna joined the Saint Paul’s staff. Retiring from public education with 36 years of teaching and instructional coaching experience, her dream post-retirement job was to continue to give back to the community and work in a church setting. Donna feels so blessed to work with this ministry team and interact with the amazing faith community that is Saint Paul’s Church. Her responsibilities include running the church office operations, ensuring members and visitors feel welcome at Saint Paul’s, and supporting all the good works of the people of SPUCC. Donna and her husband, James, have two adult daughters, Rachael and Julia, and a sweet female doggie, Reese, that they lovingly adopted through Haven to Home.
Steve is responsible for keeping the church clean and the church grounds groomed. He is our facilities master of all tasks. Steve has been employed by Saint Paul’s as the church Sexton since January of 2018. Steve is originally from Milton, PA where attended Milton High School and retired from Bucknell University’s facility services. Steve, his wife Robin reside in West Milton and are long time members of Saint Paul’s.
Director of Chancel & Bell Choirs, Pianist
Patty retired in 2022 after teaching at Mifflinburg Area High School for 36 years. She was the Director of Choral and Theatre Activities, and her Chamber and Concert Choirs have performed in several prominent churches and community venues in North Eastern America over the years. She received her Bachelor of Music in Music Education from Susquehanna University with a major concentration in Piano. Patty has served as a guest conductor for several high school and junior high school county and PMEA choral festivals in the central and northern Pennsylvania region. She is new to the Saint Paul’s Music Ministry team, serving as an assistant organist, pianist, assistant chancel choir director, and the new director of the bell choir. Patty resides in the Mifflinburg countryside with her husband, Eric, and her son Thomas, who is studying at Commonwealth University-Mansfield, and participates in the marching band and festival chorus. Patty is excited to share her love of music with the Saint Paul’s family, and the start of a new and spiritually enriching musical journey.
Organist, Accompanist & Director of Children's Choir
Sharon Styer is a graduate of Shamokin Area High School and received a Bachelor of Science in Music Education from Messiah College with a major concentration in Voice and minor concentrations in Piano, Organ, and Oboe. She retired in 2013 after teaching in the public school system for 33 years. Sharon has an extensive theatre background and has been performing and directing musical theatre productions for over 43 years. She can also be seen playing in the pit orchestra of many area high school musicals, as well as singing and playing in numerous community choirs and bands. A nominee recipient of the Disney Teacher of the Year Award, Sharon is the Director of the Northumberland Theatre League and the Anne Miles Children's Theatre as part of the Northumberland Council Council for the Arts and Humanities. She has been blessed serving God in various churches for the last 51 years. Sharon resides in Shamokin with her husband, Kevin, Band Director at Shamokin Area High School. Sharon joined the Saint Paul's Music Ministry team in September 2021.
Director of Faith Formation
Colleen Franciscus, Director of Faith Formation, has been a member of Saint Paul's faith family since June of 2018. She resides in Milton and is a mother to 4 beautiful children with a strong passion for helping children, youth, and adults thrive in the practice and formation of their faith. Colleen believes that facing adversity and creating hope in life strengthens and grounds us in and through our faith stories. She has a deep passion for connecting and guiding children through stories and crafts. She oversees the nursery, leads the Children's Moment and Children's Church activities during our services, and creates opportunities for our youth & children to thrive. You can often find Colleen creating a new recipe in the kitchen, walking the streets of Milton, or learning a new trick with her yo-yo.
Church Childcare Attendant
Krysta Moyer is a graduate of Milton High School where she met her husband, Tylor. They married in 2018 and have two amazing and beautiful children and two crazy and wonderful dogs. Krysta has a degree in criminal justice from McCann and has been employed in childcare for ten years. She is currently a daycare teacher at Noah's Ark. She enjoys spending time outdoors with family and loves Target and decaf coffee (mainly the creamer)! We are blessed that Krysta has chosen to share her skills and talents in childcare with us.
Church Childcare Attendant
Cory Mahon is a sophomore at Bloomsburg University. He has been around Saint Paul’s for more than six years now. In that time, he has always been eager to help and entertain in any way possible. Cory has a special gift in childhood development and is majoring in Special Education. Sports are a major part of Cory’s life. In high school he has wrestled and played baseball and was often found leading the student cheering section and pep rallies. Cory is an avid Philadelphia sports fan, loves animals, talking, and we appreciate the ways he shares his gifts and talents.
Support Team
Tech Team:
Chip Palazzo
Heath Hansum
Derek Longan
Elias Franciscus
Piano Accompaniment:
Michael Haven
Shelly Peterson
Usher/Greeter Team Leads:
Earl & Terri Fisher
Don & Peggy Emory
Bill & Lisa Bernard
Dave & Barbara Wagner
Adult Christian Education:
Pastor Tim
Dale and Nicole Cuer
Membership & Nurture:
Merle Kay Englehart
Jen Arnold
Amy Armstrong
Diane Bettleyon
Financial Secretary:
Dianne Covert
Doug Hagerman
Fresh Express Team Leads:
Earl Fisher
Shelly Sholley
Kathy Rowe
Amy Rearick
Brad Gill – President/Trustee
Lisa Bernard (’24) – Vice President/Trustee
Amy Armstrong ('26) - Deacon
Jen Arnold (’24) – Deacon
Don Emory ('26) - Deacon
Amy Mahon (’25) – Deacon
Dave Muffley (’25) – Trustee
Rhonda Newton (’24) – Deacon
Amy Rearick (’24) – Deacon
Kathy Rowe (’25) – Deacon
Dane Santos (’25) - Deacon
Jennifer Van Horn ('26) - Trustee
We have many parts in one body, but the parts don't all have the same function. In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ. Romans 12:4
Church History

Saint Paul’s, now known as Saint Paul’s @ The Farm, a United Church of Christ Community, is indebted to its forefathers for their vision and guidance over the past 124 years and enjoys a connectional ministry as a member of the Penn Central Conference (pccucc.org) and the Central Association of the United Church of Christ.

Proud of our heritage and mission to love and serve all neighbors as the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus, on October 17, 1900, Saint Paul’s Reformed Church was organized with 27 members (13 of whom transferred from St. Peter’s) and began services in a home in West Milton. A new, one-room church building was erected and was ready for worship in 1902. In August of 1902, Sunday School was organized and both church and Sunday School attendance grew quickly. By 1914 members realized an addition to the church sanctuary was needed. A second room was added in 1915 and served as a Sunday School room and additional seating for worship. Due to the continued growth of the church in 1930, the congregation decided to erect a new and separate church school building. Work began in 1931 and was completed and dedicated on October 4, 1931.

In June of 1934 the Reformed Church in the United States and the Evangelical Synod of North America merged and became the Evangelical and Reformed Church. In June 1957, the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the General Council of the Congregational Christian Churches united, creating the United Church of Christ (ucc.org). It was and is said that the United Church of Christ is founded on unity, not doctrinal polity. It was at that time the name of Saint Paul’s became Saint Paul’s United Church of Christ.

In 1962, once again with a growing congregation, it was determined that an addition to the church sanctuary was needed. In order to expand, the portion of the building housing the sanctuary was connected to the education building to create one building across the entire property. Other capital additions to the church included the stained glass windows in 1953, an electronic Carillon in 1971, Handbells in 1977, pew cushions and the Celtic Cross in 1980 and a remolded Chancel in 2017.

On March 21, 2020, Saint Paul’s – “the little white church on the hill” – was at capacity for worship and over-capacity for fellowship and meals, when in-person gathering was unexpectedly halted as a result of the global pandemic. Saint Paul’s went to virtual worship and gathering and our online attendance grew. On a regular basis, Saint Paul’s would worship with more than 300 viewers via ‘Live Stream’ (Facebook and YouTube) and on Christmas Eve 2020, Saint Paul’s service was viewed by more than 10,000 viewers across four countries.

On March 20, 2021, Saint Paul’s returned to in-person worship in first - a borrowed - and then – a leased space on Mahoning Street in Milton. All church activities returned over the following year and Saint Paul’s continued to grow. During this time, it was clear Saint Paul’s could not return to its home at 433 High Street due to needing additional space for its congregational size, service, and fellowship.

As the end of the lease on Mahoning Street was approaching (May 31, 2023) and with virtually all possible worship space options exhausted, Saint Paul’s was divinely led to 50 Brookpark Circle, Lewisburg, its current location. Our first worship service was held there on May 21, 2023. As of this writing, Saint Paul’s has sold the property at 433 High Street, West Milton, and is in discernment over making a permanent purchase and expanded space for worship and other activities. Saint Paul’s has continued to see growth at their new location and worships an average of 140 on Sunday mornings, serves approximately 200 families with their Central PA Foodbank Partnership (Fresh Express), and participates in the ongoing Harvest Meal once a month in Milton, in conjunction with Bucknell’s Office of Civic Engagement.
Saint Paul’s has been served by shared, part-time and full time pastorates over the years. In 2017, Pastor Tim became the 18th settled pastor of Saint Paul’s. And in 2018, after 10 years as a single church part-time pastorate, Saint Paul’s returned to a full-time pastorate. Today, in addition to its pastor, the church has a staff of six part-time employees and is home to more than 200 families. It is important to note the longest serving Pastor of Saint Paul’s, was Rev. Dr. Thomas B. Musser who served the charge and church from 1943-1983.