August 12, 2020
Dear Church Family,
As usual, there was a lot in last Sunday’s texts, many times too much to cover in one sermon. One part of the text I didn’t get to cover as much as I would have liked - which I find to be so beautiful - is from Romans 10 verses 14 and 15. The Common English Bible translates it like this: “So how can they call on someone they don’t have faith in? And how can they have faith in someone they haven’t heard of? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who announce the good news.” This portion of the text begs the question, “Who?” And then it says, “How lovely are the feet of those who announce the good news (of the who).” The who in this case once again is all who may know of Jesus. It’s not just the person in the pulpit at church or the elder or the deacon, or the minister of music or the choir, or the Sunday School teacher, it’s everyone who knows Jesus, is called to preach, to go up on the mountain of life and preach the good news in their actions. First, I believe this says - as Christ’s followers - our actions matter. And as Christ’s followers, we preach the Gospel always using words only when necessary. We share the good news of God’s love and grace with everyone we come in contact with. I don’t believe it is a stretch to say we are all expected to be preachers in this manner. We are all expected to use our feet and hands to do the works of Christ and in doing so, we share good news! It is us called to announce peace, proclaim the good news and happiness. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. No, not to judge and tell others what they are doing or have done wrong, but to lift our voices as one, seeking the common, fertile ground of peace. So, I wanted to just take a moment and visit again, the text from this past Sunday and point it out. The feet of the ones carrying the message forward, the feet of those preachers, we are them! May your feet be lovely, (with or without a pedicure), as you seek to share God’s love and grace. Peace and Blessings, Pastor Tim PS If you want to listen to the song…here’s a link, it’s lovely!
In our daily prayers…
Would you join us in prayers for family members Jen and Louise as Louise, Louise hopes to be home today from the hospital, as well would you include Anna Showers in your prayers, in GMC recovering from a stroke. Mrs. Showers is a member of Saint Paul’s from several years ago and considers this her church home and we consider her family. Additionally, would you include Rev. Kay Korpics in your prayers, Kay faces situations every day, sometimes multiple times a day that even one would be devastating to our hearts and many of the situations are devastating and Kay is there as a chaplain to provide comfort and care, so I ask you to pray her Kay and all our area chaplains who are there, walking the journey in so many hard situations. Please continue as well to keep Eric Powell in your prayers as well as a friend of a member Paula, who continues to face multiple cancer diagnosis. There are many to pray for and more than we know, with increased COVID-19 cases and stretched medical staff, school teachers and administrators and students all we pray…Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.
Announcements, announcements, announcements…
Adult size new (unlaundered) wash cloths needed. The Penn Central Conference of the United Church of Christ is collecting, adult size, new clean (unlaundered) wash cloths to be used as a part of hygiene kits being put together by Mission Central in Mechanicsburg. Each Association is gathering items. Our Central Association has been asked for wash cloths. If you would like to donate wash cloths please contact the church office or drop them by the church during office hours by Wednesday, August 19 deadline.
In-Person gatherings to be rescheduled. Both the Saturday, August 15 Family Fun Gathering and the Sunday, August 23 Intergenerational Vacation Bible School gatherings will be rescheduled at a later date. After careful consideration, for the health and safety of our families, The Way Forward team will be making recommendations to the Consistory to pause small group gatherings at this time. Please stay safe and know we are working to stay connected and keep everyone safe as best we can.
Monday Morning Preacher, 10:30 a.m. each Monday. We gather via Zoom and all are welcome to this Monday morning Bible Study. Link:
Midweek Musings and Theology, at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, continues through the Summer. “Anxious to Talk About It: Helping White Christians Talk Faithfully about Racism”. Please contact the church office to get a book and learn more. We begin with Chapter 1 this evening. Link:
What’s your sign? Saint Paul’s Yard Signs are here! Yard signs are available at the church during office hours. Help us spread the word “Welcome home to…Saint Paul’s…Welcoming Saints and Sinners since 1900” (and they include our web address).
Consistory Meets Tuesday, August 18 @ 6 p.m. The Consistory meets every third Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. Who or what is Consistory? Consistory is the executive board of the church, is made up of a minimum of two Deacons and one Trustee in each of the three-year classes. Consistory also includes the Pastor as a non-voting member of the board. In the United Church of Christ, each local congregation is self-governing with an elected board who represent the congregation at monthly meetings to monitor financial, facilities, and program health of the church following church by-laws. The Consistory is empowered through an annual meeting of the congregation to act on the membership’s behalf on most business matters of the church. The size of the Consistory is dependent upon membership of the church, Saint Paul’s Consistory is made up of 11 members currently. Consistory members names are listed on the back of the bulletin each week and while everyone is welcome at a Consistory meeting, you may also contact Consistory members at other times with questions, suggestions or concerns. Consistory operates per the by-laws of the church body which meets annually to review and approve annual budgets and changes.
Please note: Following approved Church guidelines, established by the Consistory, we ask that if you are coming to the church, you sign-in and wear a mask, your temperature will also be taken.
Ways to connect to worship:
We've heard your feedback and while we love having everyone join us on Facebook LIVE for our Sunday morning worship, we know another option is important. We are pleased to announce that this Sunday, you can watch us LIVE on Facebook or on YouTube. We are now broadcasting live to both platforms Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Aren't sure how to subscribe and get connected on YouTube? Contact the church office for details.
Not been on YouTube or not a subscriber? While you don’t have to subscribe to watch via YouTube, you can if you’d like. The more subscribers the church has the better opportunity we have to reach out.
Here’s what to do:
1. Go to the church website
2. Click on the YouTube “Come join us live.”
3. If you are watching us via YouTube and you are willing or want to subscribe to our “channel” click on the “Subscribe” button below the video.
4. If you have questions, email: and Geri will get the question to the right person to help.
For questions or suggestions as to how we can better serve you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are continually trying to improve our online offerings and appreciate, very much your support and help.
If you are on YouTube, hit the like button, and tap the bell to be sure you are reminded when we go live.
May grace, hope, peace and love abound.